Principais artistas Cubistas Estrangeiros:
- Pablo Picasso (pintor, escultor e desenhista
espanhol): Auto-retrato, Absinto
(Rapariga no café), La mort de
Casagemas (A morte de Casagemas), Evocation
enterrement de Casagemas) Evocação - O funeral de Casagemas, Mère et enfant - La Maternité - Mère tenant l'enfant (A
Maternidade), Vieux
guitariste aveugle (Velho guitarrista cego), Des
pauvres au bord de la mer (Miseráveis diante do mar), La vie (A Vida),
passando a ferro, Retrato de Suzanne Bloch, Fernanda com um lenço preto, Mulher com leque, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Composição
com crânio, Garrafa,
jarra e frutas, Vaso sobre a mesa, Mulher sentada junto de uma janela, Le Rêve, Guernica,
Dora Maar au chat, O tomateiro,
sentada num cadeirão,
Lagosta e gato, Arlequim com baton, Busto de mulher, Nude, Green Leaves and Bust.
- Paul Cézanne (pintor francês): Retrato de Louis-Auguste Cézanne, (o pai do
artista), Paul Alexis lendo Émile Zola, A Alameda de Jos de Bouffan, A casa do
enforcado, Autorretrato com um chapéu de palha, A banhista, basket apples, As
margens de Marne, Os jogadores de Cartas, Banhistas, Les Grands Baigneuses, Maças
e laranjas, Uma velha com um rosário, Monte Saint-Victoire.
- Marcel Duchamp (escultor e pintor francês): Fonte, Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even, L.H.O.O.Q., Étant donnés, Bicycle Wheel,Bottle Rack, 3 Standard Stoppages, Why Not Sneeze Rrose Sélavy?, In Advance of the Broken Arm, Fresh Widow, Hat Rack, Network of Stoppages, Wedge of Chastity, Female Fig Leaf, Rotary Demisphere (Precision Optics), The Passage from Virgin to Bride, La Boîte-en-valise (Box in a Suitcase), Prelude to a Broken Arm, Nude Seated in a Bathtub, Close to, for Almost an Hour, Landscape.
- Georges Braque (escultor e pintor francês): Violin and Candlestick, Woman with a Mandolin, Man with a Guitar, Woman with a Guitar, Studio V, Mandola, Little Harbor in Normandy, Landscape at La Ciotat, Vase, palette et mandoline (Vase, Palette, and Mandolin), Still Life with Glass, Dice, Newspaper and Playing Card, Still Life with a Bottle, The Large Trees, Road near L'Estaque, Le Gueridon (The Gueridon), The Round Table, Fruits and Stringed Instrument, The Table (Still Life with Fan), Woman at an Easel (Green Screen), Violon et compotier (Violin and Fruit Dish), Still Life with Fruit and Stringed Instrument, The Guitar (Statue d'epouvante), Antwerp,Nature Morte, Soda.
- Juan Gris (pintor e escultor
The Sunblind, Portrait of Picasso, Harlequin with Guitar, Guitar and Glasses, Violin and Checkerboard, Glass of Beer and Playing Cards, The Sideboard, View across the Bay, Still Life with Flowers, The Checkerboard, The Glass of Beer, Jar, Bottle and Glass, Guitar and Compote, Glass and Playing Cards, Compotier et verre (Nature morte aux citrons) [Fruit Dish
and Glass (Still Life with Lemons)], Abstraction, Grapes.
- Kazimir Malevich (pintor soviético): Black Square, Suprematist
Composition, Suprematist
Composition: White on White, Suprematist Composition: Airplane Flying, Reservist of the First Division, Dynamic Suprematism, Woman with Pails: Dynamic Arrangement, Suprematist Painting, Lady on a Tram Station, Bureau and Room, On the Boulevard, Bathers, Painterly Realism. Boy with Knapsack - Color Masses in the
Fourth Dimension, Suprematist
Drawing, Flower Girl, Samovar, Self Portrait.
- Fernand Léger (pintor e desenhista francês): Three Women, Contrast of Forms, The Red Table, Big Julie, The Divers, Reclining Woman, Divers on a Yellow Background, Woman with a Book, Composition in Blue, The Baluster, Umbrella and Bowler, Exit the Ballets Russes, Nature Morte (Still Life), Composition with Statuette, The Railway Crossing (Preliminary Version), Propellers, The Compass, Mural Painting, Two Women, The City, The Mirror.
- Umberto Boccioni (pintor e escultor italiano): Formas Únicas de Continuidade no Espaço, The City Rises, The Street Enters the House, Dynamism of a Soccer Player, Development of a Bottle in Space, States of Mind I: The Farewells, Simultaneous Visions, The Street Pavers, States of Mind III: Those Who Stay,Dynamism of a Biker, States of Mind II: Those Who Go, The Laugh, Self-Portrait.
Principais artistas Cubistas Brasileiros:
- Anita Malfatti (pintora)
- Tarsila do Amaral (pintora e desenhista)
- Vicente do Rego Monteiro (pintor, desenhista e escultor)
- Di Cavalcanti (pintor, ilustrador e desenhista)