quarta-feira, 26 de abril de 2017

Principais artistas Cubistas Estrangeiros:
 - Pablo Picasso (pintor, escultor e desenhista espanhol): Auto-retratoAbsinto (Rapariga no café)La mort de Casagemas (A morte de Casagemas), Evocation enterrement de Casagemas) Evocação - O funeral de CasagemasMère et enfant - La Maternité - Mère tenant l'enfant (A Maternidade)Vieux guitariste aveugle (Velho guitarrista cego)Des pauvres au bord de la mer (Miseráveis diante do mar)La vie (A Vida)Mulher passando a ferroRetrato de Suzanne BlochFernanda com um lenço pretoMulher com lequeLes Demoiselles d'AvignonComposição com crânioGarrafa, jarra e frutasVaso sobre a mesaMulher sentada junto de uma janelaLe Rêve,   GuernicaDora Maar au chatO tomateiroMulher sentada num cadeirãoLagosta e gatoArlequim com batonBusto de mulherNude, Green Leaves and Bust.

 - Paul Cézanne (pintor francês): Retrato de Louis-Auguste Cézanne, (o pai do artista), Paul Alexis lendo Émile Zola, A Alameda de Jos de Bouffan, A casa do enforcado, Autorretrato com um chapéu de palha, A banhista, basket apples, As margens de Marne, Os jogadores de Cartas, Banhistas, Les Grands Baigneuses, Maças e laranjas, Uma velha com um rosário, Monte Saint-Victoire.

 - Marcel Duchamp (escultor e pintor francês):  FonteNude Descending a Staircase, No. 2The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, EvenL.H.O.O.Q.Étant donnésBicycle Wheel,Bottle Rack3 Standard StoppagesWhy Not Sneeze Rrose Sélavy?In Advance of the Broken ArmFresh WidowHat RackNetwork of StoppagesWedge of ChastityFemale Fig LeafRotary Demisphere (Precision Optics)The Passage from Virgin to BrideLa Boîte-en-valise (Box in a Suitcase)Prelude to a Broken ArmNude Seated in a Bathtub, Close to, for Almost an HourLandscape.

- Georges Braque (escultor e pintor francês):  Violin and CandlestickWoman with a MandolinMan with a GuitarWoman with a GuitarStudio VMandolaLittle Harbor in NormandyLandscape at La CiotatVase, palette et mandoline (Vase, Palette, and Mandolin)Still Life with Glass, Dice, Newspaper and Playing CardStill Life with a BottleThe Large TreesRoad near L'EstaqueLe Gueridon (The Gueridon)The Round TableFruits and Stringed InstrumentThe Table (Still Life with Fan)Woman at an Easel (Green Screen)Violon et compotier (Violin and Fruit Dish)Still Life with Fruit and Stringed InstrumentThe Guitar (Statue d'epouvante)Antwerp,Nature MorteSoda.

- Juan Gris (pintor e escultor espanhol): The Sunblind, Portrait of Picasso, Harlequin with Guitar, Guitar and Glasses, Violin and Checkerboard, Glass of Beer and Playing Cards, The Sideboard, View across the Bay, Still Life with Flowers, The Checkerboard, The Glass of Beer, Jar, Bottle and Glass, Guitar and Compote, Glass and Playing Cards, Compotier et verre (Nature morte aux citrons) [Fruit Dish and Glass (Still Life with Lemons)], Abstraction, Grapes.

- Kazimir Malevich (pintor soviético): Black SquareSuprematist CompositionSuprematist Composition: White on WhiteSuprematist Composition: Airplane Flying, Reservist of the First DivisionDynamic SuprematismWoman with Pails: Dynamic ArrangementSuprematist PaintingLady on a Tram Station, Bureau and RoomOn the BoulevardBathersPainterly Realism. Boy with Knapsack - Color Masses in the Fourth DimensionSuprematist DrawingFlower GirlSamovarSelf Portrait.

- Fernand Léger (pintor e desenhista francês):  Three WomenContrast of FormsThe Red TableBig JulieThe DiversReclining WomanDivers on a Yellow BackgroundWoman with a BookComposition in BlueThe BalusterUmbrella and BowlerExit the Ballets RussesNature Morte (Still Life)Composition with StatuetteThe Railway Crossing (Preliminary Version)PropellersThe CompassMural PaintingTwo WomenThe CityThe Mirror.

- Umberto Boccioni (pintor e escultor italiano): Formas Únicas de Continuidade no EspaçoThe City RisesThe Street Enters the HouseDynamism of a Soccer PlayerDevelopment of a Bottle in SpaceStates of Mind I: The FarewellsSimultaneous VisionsThe Street PaversStates of Mind III: Those Who Stay,Dynamism of a BikerStates of Mind II: Those Who GoThe LaughSelf-Portrait.

Principais artistas Cubistas Brasileiros:
Anita Malfatti (pintora)
Tarsila do Amaral (pintora e desenhista)
- Vicente do Rego Monteiro (pintor, desenhista e escultor)
Di Cavalcanti (pintor, ilustrador e desenhista)

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